Will is a word of beauty. Can is a word of power.
30 Minutes To A New You
Lower Body Workout
Welcome to my 30 Minutes to a New You Lower Body Workout. Designed with the female body in mind. These exercises will firm and sculpt your legs, hips and thighs for a tight and sexy lower body. You’ll reduce unsightly cellulite and trade that flab for a firm rear that won’t sag.
Remember to keep your core engaged at all times. Practice it now and later it will become a matter of habit.
The first exercise listed in the above chart is the Squat, the second exercise is the Lunge. Executing these movements will work the following muscle groups:
Quadriceps, or quads as they are frequently referred to amongst seasoned athletes, consist of the four main muscles in the front of your thighs. Making these muscles stronger, gives you more strength when lifting and helps to take the strain off your back. Remember the old adage, lift with your legs, not your back. Your quads are what make that movement possible.
Gluteals are the three muscles that make up your butt. Girl, if you want a beautiful bootie, you absolutely must work this muscle group. Strong, shapely glutes, as they are often called, gives your body the capacity to move about during normal activities as well as high energy sports such as tennis, skiing or mountain climbing. Train these muscles to give you a butt worth struttin’.
Hamstrings are the three major muscles in the back of your thighs. These muscles become extremely tight from day to day office work of sitting for long periods of time behind a computer screen or desk. Working these muscles will tone your tush and keep you moving without fear of injury.
The Shoulder Bridge is the third exercise listed and it works the Gluteals and the hamstrings that are described above.
The fourth exercise is the Donkey Kicks and is great for getting that butt in shape.
The fifth and sixth exercises are the Side Lying Leg Lifts and the Pilates Hip Circles. Both of these work the hip adductors and the hip abductors, explained below.
The Hip adductors are also called the groin muscles and consist of six muscles that span the distance from the inner pelvis to the inner part of the femur (thigh bone). These muscles pull the legs together, and also help with other movements of the hip joint. The adductor muscles are important to many types of athletes including sprinters, swimmers, soccer players, and football players.
The Hip abductors are the upper muscles of the hips. Exercising these muscles will give you shapely curves and sexy hips.
The Hip flexors are a group of muscles that flex the hip. There are quite a few muscles that actually flex the hip, but two that are specifically referred to as hip flexors. The Illiopsoas group consists of the Psoas and the Iliacus.
The Hip extensors are the gluteus maximus and the three hamstring muscles and work to extend the hip.
The seventh and eighth exercises the Pilates Long Levers and the Pilates Single Leg Stretch work the same muscle groups, explained below.
The hip flexors and hip extensors have already been explained. The other muscle group that both of these exercises work are the Abdominals.
Abdominal muscles are located in the front of your stomach. Keeping these muscles toned will give you a fabulously flat stomach with sexy six-pack abs. This area under a woman’s breast and extending down to her pelvic area is one of the most sensual places on the female body.
The Pilates Double Leg Stretch and Pilates Bicycle both work the abdominal muscles too. Performing a variety of these movements will help to train your core muscles to stay engaged for a long lean torso. You’ll be able to retire those undergarment shapers that you’ve grown so fond of, when you train your muscles to stay engaged.
These exercises are designed to accentuate the beautiful feminine curves of the female body. I recommend an exercise program that combines aerobic activity and strength training. These exercises in the 30 Minutes to a New You exercise program are part of the resistance training or strength training workouts.
Each of these exercises has an advanced level, so once you master the suggested reps and sets, you can advance the exercise to the next level to help you stay interested and not get bored and drop out. These exercises really work—they have worked wonders for me and I know they can make a big difference in your life too.
Not only will exercise help you lose weight, it does wonders for your confidence, self-esteem and sex life. Building your muscles and learning to control them, can help you perform everyday tasks, achieve great feats and keep you safe from injury.
Regular exercise aids in coordination too. As you age, coordination is important in stimulating brain function. What it all boils down to is one major fact: Exercise is a crucial component to a healthy lifestyle.
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