Ever notice how good it feels to take a walk after a big meal? Do you ever get the desire to get out and be active after having been cooped up in the house because of a snowstorm or a rainy spell? Have you ever found emotional or mental release by taking a walk or riding a bike to lift your spirits? Why do we have these urges? Because our bodies were engineered to be active. Physical activity is good for the body, mind and soul.
Our bodies are designed to move! We need to keep moving throughout our lives in order to maintain not only healthy muscles but to keep all of our internal systems in tip top shape as well.
In order for all of our bodily mechanisms to work, we have to keep the gears moving. Otherwise our muscles become lax and withered and in turn, our bones suffer the consequences. For instance, when core muscles in the body are not exercised and developed, more stress and strain is put on the back and spine. The same for the knee. Knee injuries that develop into arthritis can be helped dramatically by strengthening the muscles that surround the knee.
We all know that a healthy heart is essential to living well. Daily activity has been proven to strengthen the heart muscles and alleviate stress by helping the body to produce endorphins.
Moving your body helps to eliminate acid build-up which is not only responsible for stomach upset, but can be a main culprit in pain in other parts of the body as well.
There are so many benefits to staying active. Just as well, there are serious side effects that can develop when a person chooses a sedentary lifestyle devoid of exercise and activity. Don’t wait for these ailments to steal your zest in life. Go out there and get moving.
Give it at least 30 days, that’s how long it takes to make it a habit. Be sure to keep a journal of your progress. After this initial period, you will begin to see some results. Don’t stop now, you’ve worked too hard to give in. Challenge yourself to keep it going for 30 more days and then 30 more. Once you have completed 90 days, physical activity will become part of your healthy lifestyle.
We value your opinion. What activities do you do daily? Tell us in the comment space: