The best and most successful weight loss programs have something in common, they advocate accountability. We all know that in order to find a solution, we must first identify the problem. When you are trying to lose weight, keeping an account of everything you eat and drink and all your activity will help you to figure out what is working for you and what is not. Accountability is the secret to a successful fitness program and it is the basis for keeping a fitness journal.
Journaling, the act of keeping a journal is not only a helpful tool in keeping you accountable, it also keeps you motivated and focused on your goal. When you begin your journal, be sure to write down your current weight and measurements. On a regular basis, record your weight and measurements as you continue with your diet and exercise. You might not see results in these numbers right away, but you might see other changes, such as your clothes becoming loose or seeing muscle developing where fat used to be.
History is good for reminding us where we used to be. Your journal can be your own history book of how your healthy choices transformed your body, mind and soul. If you begin to feel like you aren’t making strides in your fitness program, just read your entries in the early days when you first got started. I bet your body is much stronger than when you first began your exercise program. Your diet in the past and present is another interesting comparison. When you first started keeping account of what you ate and drank you were probably pretty surprised by all the food that you were eating.
Most people are shocked when they record every bit of food they eat. From the number of teaspoons of sugar in their coffee to the piece of hard candy they eat while standing at a co-worker’s desk, every morsel of food should be written down and recorded. This one act of accountability is tough but it is an awakening call if you are having trouble losing weight.
Always record how you feel when you make changes in your diet. Do you feel satisfied? Are you still hungry? Do you feel irritable or tired? Make changes gradually so that your body has tine to adjust. If you make changes gradually you have a better chance of making these changes a habit. Stay the course, don’t give up, even if you give in and eat too much. Remember each day is a new day and it is never too late to start fresh!