Did you know that what you eat could affect your women’s fitness performance? Eating right can give you the edge to help energize your exercise program and give you the stamina you need to endure a strenuous workout.
Carbohydrates, lean protein and plenty of hydration are needed to provide the fuel you need to support your women’s fitness routine. Women’s muscles rely on carbohydrates like those found in breads, cereals, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables. These foods are like putting gas in your car, they help to give the body the fuel that it needs to get going and keep moving. Protein is needed to build and maintain muscles. Every cell in a woman’s body depends on protein. These cells deliver nutrients and oxygen to working muscles.
Special attention should be paid to what foods that you eat before a workout and how long you should wait after a meal. That’s why I support a 5 to 6 meal a day program rather than the traditional 3 meal a day plan. By eating every 3 hours, you can be sure that you are getting the protein and carbs you need to support your workout.
The best pre-workout meals should be:
1. Low in saturated fat
2. Contain some carbohydrates and protein
3. Low fiber
4. Water, unsweetened tea, low-fat milk or some substitute of these
5. Foods that your body is used to digesting.
Number 5 just means that you shouldn’t try something new just before working out. New foods might cause indigestion or other gastric disorders. A grilled chicken sandwich or a slice of cheese pizza might fit the pre-game meal description, but stay clear of the greasy, spicy or overly sweet foods. The same is true for high fiber foods, while a normally desirable addition to most diets; high fiber foods are not the ideal choice for a pre-workout meal.
The foods that you eat not only before your workout, but also as part of your regular diet, can affect your women’s fitness program. Fitness4Her makes it easy to choose the right time to eat and the right foods to eat too. A diet you can live by, an exercise program that is easy to follow and a journal to show your fitness results; these are the basics of the Fitness4Her program. So whether you want to lose weight, gain weight or just eat the foods that will give you the energy you need, Fitness4Her will help you to make the best choices to Empower Beauty®.