If you have just started journaling or keeping a fitness journal, you might be confused about how to begin. Following these suggestions will give you a running record of your progress as your work towards your goal. Everyone has a goal in mind, so paving your way with facts and figures will help you get started.
1. Start with day one of your fitness program and fill in the date.
2. Record your measurements and weight, jotting down your goals and your plans.
3. Write down everything that you eat and drink.
4. Keep track of your portion size.
5. Calculate your calories, if you feel the need.
6. Monitor the protein and carbs in your meals.
7. Notate your fluid intake, the amount of water you drink, specifically.
8. Record your aerobic activity or exercise.
9. Include the intensity and number of reps that you do.
10. At the end of the day read over your entry, this will help to motivate you for tomorrow.
Journaling is fun and it is an essential part to a successful fitness program. Hard work is made easier when there is an effective plan to follow. That’s the principle behind journaling. You make your own plan, but by writing it down and reading it aloud, you set your mind and body in gear for success.
Beginners will find it inspiring and motivational to record their progress, as they usually will see marked improvements in a short period of time. Women who are part of the way to their goal line can easily look over their progress anytime they need a boost in their motivation. Seasoned athletes can use a fitness journal to help them keep their winning edge.
Fitness4Her is a diet, exercise and journaling program that was developed exclusively for women. Journaling is as big a part of this fitness program as the diet and exercise. That’s because it has been proven that people who keep a journal of everything they eat and drink and how much they exercise have a greater chance of losing weight than those people who do not.