In order to set goals, you have to think about what you really want and how you will achieve it.
Goal setting differs from just daydreaming about something you would like to change about yourself or your life.{+} When you set goals for yourself, your brain believes this is a possibility and begins to make plans on ways to achieve the objective.
Goal setting works remarkably well when you want to change your fitness level. It starts with an idea and then is followed by plans for to attain your desired point of fitness. No one purposely changes their size or shape without first thinking about it and formulating a strategy.
So, you might just say in order to change your size or shape you will need to Think to Shrink your dress size, waistline or any other part of your body you wish to reduce. Using your brain-power to reach your fitness goals will ensure your success.
Once you start losing weight and inches you will want to know the ultimate question, “How much have I lost?”
That’s why before you get started you’ll need to know your present weight and measurements. Use your fitness journal to write down your starting weight, your measurements, your current size and your weight loss and fitness goals. Don’t forget to measure those ankles and wrists!
Write these starting numbers in a separate area that you deem as the goal pages. Goals give your brain something to work towards; so don’t skip this crucial step.
Faithfully maintaining your journal will demonstrate commitment to your fitness program and keep you motivated to succeed. This daily act of devotion to your health will convince your brain of the importance of staying focused on your goal.
In my post Your Brain and How It Functions, I discuss how the parts of the brain work to stimulate and send signals to other parts of the brain and body. Food cravings, hunger, chewing, swallowing, digesting and exercising are all functions controlled by the brain.
The brain also dominates emotional responses like sadness and depression, as well as happiness and contentment. Although the brain has no eyes to see or ears to hear, it is responsible for how we interpret every bit of stimuli in our lives.
It is because of this that we can control our minds. Yes, it is possible. Take for instance when you feel frightened by a loud noise. At first, you might jump in fear because of the noise, but within seconds your brain jumps to the rescue and starts to assimilate the facts. In this mode, the brain is trying to ascertain the need to fight or flight. If it determines that the panic is unfounded, it diminishes the fear and replaces those feelings with ones of relief and calmness.
You can do the same thing with your mind the next time you find yourself upset or frightened. Just replace the dismay or fear you are feeling with emotions like happiness and confidence. Within seconds, your breathing will relax, your heartbeat will return to normal and you will have a clearer vision of your current state and where you wish to go from here.
Your brain is the caveat of success. No matter what your goal, if you want to increase your wealth or shrink your waist, the brain is the power source to get the job done.
But sometimes the brain needs to be convinced that this is truly what you want. You’ve heard the old saying, “Old habits die hard.” That’s because once the brain has familiarized itself with a certain behavior it paves a pathway so that it no longer has to think about doing that particular deed. Your brain forms the habit so that the action can be performed with very little brainpower involved.
Talk about an “Ah Ha!” moment, once you understand how the brain works, it becomes easier to trick that gray matter into working toward the goals that you select. The secret of course is staying in constant contact with your mind.
Much like the way an office of people work, where communication is key to understanding what everyone else is doing and thereby effectively getting the job done, the brain must receive constant commands in order to break the habit that it so perfectly formed.
So, how do you instruct your brain to think about what you want and keep it from concentrating on things you would rather forget?
Daily prayer and meditation can help redirect your mind. Once your spirit has been lifted, take your commitment one step further. Begin writing down your affirmations and follow those with your goals. Now your brain has something new and positive to dwell on.
But you might find that you still slip up and resort to old habits. The brain is tough, so you’ve got to step up your game in order to win the battle. When your goal is to get in shape through healthy eating and exercising, your fitness journal must be accurate and thorough in order to succeed. That’s why it is essential to write down everything you eat and drink and all the activity that you participate in each day.
You see, by writing down everything you eat and drink, you become accountable for all the foods that you are feeding your body. It’s important that you record everything because this way you will be able to decide which foods you can keep in your diet and what changes you need to make.
Remember, it takes at least thirty days to make or break a habit. Do you have some habits that you would like to leave behind? This can be day one as you re-train your brain to take on healthy habits and begin a new routine.
Goal setting with my fitness journal is one of the best habits that I ever formed. At Fitness4Her, journaling is pretty much a tradition. Don’t deprive yourself of this wonderful way to break free of old practices and embrace the joy of journaling.
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