If there are 50 ways to leave your lover, certainly there must be one sure way to dump your love handles. But the truth be known, dumping your love handles requires all-over women’s fitness. To rid yourself of the fatty area around your waist known affectionately as love handles, you need to combine diet and exercise to get long-lasting results.
Exercise as well as diet must play equal parts in women’s fitness. Not only will the combination of the two help you to achieve your desired weight and size, both have the power to make you feel good and look great.
To dump your love handles once and for all, commit to an exercise program that consists of cardio or aerobic exercises to burn fat, and resistance exercises that build strength. Power walking, jogging, swimming, skating, cycling, elliptical training and playing games like tennis and racquetball are terrific ways to get the aerobic exercise you need.
Your six muscles referred to as the abs are the Transverses Abdominis, Two Internal Obliques, Two External Obliques, and the Rectus Abdominis. Working these muscles will not only give you the famed six-pack abs, they also give you better posture, for back pain relief, and help you when you bend-over, or reach for objects on upper shelves.
Resistance exercises that emphasize core strength are some of the best ways to tighten your abs and flatten the tummy. These exercises work the muscles in the stomach, sides and back. The following exercises are based on the Pilates principle of engaging the core muscle. To engage the core muscles you need pull your stomach in and imagine that you are pressing your belly button into your spine.
Hold this position throughout the exercise.
• Pilates 100
• Single Leg Stretch
• Pilates Roll Over
• Squat with Double Hammer Curl
For step-by-step instructions on doing any of the above exercises as well as others, simply click on the Exercise Section under Members Only. Don’t forget your towel, exercise mat and water bottle, handy tools that make your work out work for you.