Inspiration is defined as an action or power of moving the intellect or emotions.
What or who inspires your intellect and emotions? Different people inspire us throughout our lives. Teachers, preachers, friends and family members as well as celebrities have the power and position to offer inspiration. There are probably many people whom you inspire, too. It could be because of your perseverance in the face of adversity or your dedication and commitment to your goals. Inspiration is a two way street that can be a blessing to give and receive.
My children inspire me on a daily basis. All three have goals that they set for themselves, but they don’t stop there. Because they want to succeed, they make a plan to set these goals in place. When I see this type of goal setting, it makes me want to raise the bar for my own goals. Feeling inspired by my sons, I often look for ways to actually accomplish things I dream about on a daily basis.
Many women look for inspiration that will motivate them to lose weight and get fit. The wonderful thing is that the inspiration to take care of your body is right there inside of you. It is a natural desire to nurture our bodies, but it’s important that the way you choose to nurture it is both healthy and sensible. Rather than stuffing your face with ice cream, give yourself a facial that smells delicious. In other words, pamper yourself the healthy way.
Exercise daily for inspiration. You may be thinking that you need inspiration to begin exercising, but anyone who has ever exercised on a regular basis knows that once started, an exercise program offers a bounty of inspiration all on its own. Not to mention the benefits that it offers, like a healthier heart, better circulation, increased flexibility and better overall balance. Of course, we haven’t even talked about the calories burned and the weight lost, the fat burned off, all of these things possible with only 30 minutes of exercise, 6 days a week. It’s a fact that has been proven repeatedly.
If you really want to lose weight, if you really want to super charge your workout and improve the way you look, begin by writing down your goals and making a plan to see them through. Read your goals every day and affirm your plans to achieve them. Inspire yourself and your dedication and commitment may offer inspiration to someone else who is struggling to realize their goals. Many times we reach our own goals when we are willing to help others achieve theirs.