Moderate exercise can be very beneficial to women, even nursing mothers. Once your doctor has given you the go ahead, begin exercising on a regular basis. You may need to start up gradually, depending on your level of fitness before your pregnancy. Depending on the healing process following the delivery of your baby, you should be able to resume exercising four to six weeks after the birth of your baby.
If you have some pregnancy weight to lose, you might be surprised to find that breastfeeding mothers lose weight much more rapidly than non-nursing mothers, even while consuming more calories.
- Plan your exercise routine after nursing so your breasts won’t be full and uncomfortable. Wear a supportive sports bra.
- Stay hydrated. Drink a glass of water before and immediately after exercising.
- During hot weather, drink more.
- If you regularly lift weights or do other exercises involving repetitive arm movement, start slowly.
- Don’t over do when it comes to exercising while nursing. If you tire easily or the baby needs you, don’t despair, you can exercise again tomorrow. It’s best to take each day at a time.
- Take walks with your baby. If you carry him in a backpack, his extra weight will use up even more calories.
- Weather permitting, go for lots of walks – this counts as exercise and gets you out of the house as well.
- With a mat and a towel, there’s no need to leave baby to get your exercise for the day. Just place baby nearby in a safe carrier or swing and put on some fun music
- It the weather keeps you inside, try carrying your little one in a sling while you do housework – and try dancing with him. You may feel silly, but he’ll love it and so will you. Nobody will see you, and postpartum mothers are supposed to act a little bit goofy – the technical term is “baby brain”.
Moderate exercise is good for both you and your baby. Try to make it fun so that you’ll stick with your exercise program. Eat anything you want to in moderation, and remember that many mothers lose weight while lactating even without modifying their diet or exercise regimen. You will usually keep about three pounds of extra tissue in your breasts as long as you are nursing, so factor that into your weight loss goals. Enjoy nursing your baby, eat a healthy diet, and you most likely will lose weight while eating more food than you were used to eating before your little one arrived.
Enjoy breastfeeding your baby and take time to get to know your little one. Make exercise a regular part of your life and continue to stay active as your child grows. Not only will you lose weight quickly, you’ll create a healthy happy lifestyle for your family.