1. Don’t be a victim of your own past or proposed destiny. Don’t just assume that bad things always happen to you. When people get fixated on all of their problems, they neglect to notice all of the wonderful things that they have to be thankful for. You do have the power to change your life. That is the wonderful thing about circumstances that occur, although you rarely have a choice on what challenges come your way, you can make a difference in how they affect your life.
2. Stop condemning yourself and use all of that energy to solve problems. Finding solutions helps to set us free from our current condition. When we are unable to change a condition it can lead to desperation. If there is a problem to which there is not a viable solution at the time, move on to something that you can change. If you are feeling self-conscious about your weight before a big event and know logically you can’t magically transform into a slim svelte figure, focus on what you can change. Try a new hairstyle, a pretty dress, some knock out sexy shoes, or a fabulous bag. Sparkling jewelry is always a hit and can make you feel wonderful.
3. Choose your priorities and stick with them. Don’t let others dictate your life to you. If you don’t like the way your life is heading, then step up to the plate and make a stand. Abolish an unhealthy lifestyle, whether it’s your diet, your exercise, your financial, emotional or spiritual situation, make the changes necessary to ensure your life is healthy and happy.
4. Change anything about yourself, by changing the thoughts that go on in your mind. I’m not talking about just walking around in a cloud, believing you’ll lose weight while still sitting on the couch eating cookies and chips. I’m talking about making up your mind to make permanent, lifelong changes in your physical and mental condition. It won’t come without some hard work on your part, but you are capable of making major changes in your own life. When you take control, you free yourself from the bondage of uncertainty and hopelessness.
5. Begin saying affirmations aloud to yourself and change the negative self-talk that may have been going on for ages. Many people grow up in an environment of negativity. Sometimes this can be very hard to overcome, but it is possible to undo these messages of self-defeat. For 30 days straight, repeat these affirmations each morning. Below are a few samples depending on your circumstance.
• If you are dissatisfied with your job: I love my job because I have a paycheck that I can count on.
• When you harbor anger against your husband: I love my husband because he is always on my side.
• When you feel stressed about your children: My children are precious to me and I love them with all of my heart.
• When you feel as though all you have are problems: I am thankful for my ability to think things through and for all of the people who support me in my decisions.
• When you are dissatisfied with your body: I am thankful that I have my health both physically and mentally.