My body is my temple and I believe it’s important that I take care of myself. As I get older it has become more and more important for me to stay healthy and physically fit. I pay close attention to what foods I eat and I stay active throughout the day. Adequate rest and relaxation are also fundamental to my state of mind and body, so I stick to a schedule for bedtime too.
I enjoy five meals instead of the traditional three meals in a typical day. Eating healthy is part of my plan and that includes snacks too. Writing it all down in my fitnessjournal helps to inspire creative twists on ho-hum meals. I make a weekly meal plan and then add all the ingredients that I’ll need to my weekly grocery list. Even though I’ll probably return to the store during the week, this planned method works well to keep me and my family eating wholesome, healthy foods.
To save money, I pay close attention to what fruits and vegetables are in season. When produce can be obtained locally, it is generally less expensive than if it is shipped or flown in from another country. Best of all, local produce will be fresher and that means it usually has a much better taste.
I mention these helpful hints about weekly planning and buying in-season produce to help you save money as often as possible. I hear many times, that women avoid purchasing fresh fruits and veggies because they are so expensive and they have a very short shelf life. If this is a problem for you, try purchasing only the amount of produce that will be eaten in a few days, then return to the store later in the week. Don’t compromise your health; there are ways to eat wholesome foods without breaking the bank.
Those of you concerned about fitness will soon find that a fitness journal can be instrumental to your success. Whether you are looking to gain weight, lose weight or take your workouts to the next level, your journal can be the guiding light to help you reach your goal.
Keeping my body healthy is my inspiration to my diet and exercise program, I mention the fitness journal to you because the act of writing everything down provides the affirmation needed to put this inspiration to work.