Let love and gratitude be your motivation for change. For those who truly love you and for those you love, your health and happiness is more important than you think. Start each day by reflecting on those you love. Be grateful that you are part of a loving relationship.
Be a giver of love today. The best gift you can give comes from the heart. Encouraging words, a handwritten letter, a hug, or a smile have tremendous value. Keep in mind that a sincere compliment is uplifting and can easily alter the attitude of the intended.
Don’t put off giving until you can afford it. Remember that even the smallest good deed can have a giant impact on a great number of people. Random acts of kindness can change the life of someone in need, and that includes you, too.
Giving your time is just as important as monetary gifts, if not more so. When you take time to help others, you interact with them and have the opportunity to understand how much your help is needed and appreciated.
If you really want to show those around you how much you love them, be sure to carve out some time in your busy schedule just for you. Set aside 30 minutes or more each day for exercise and be sure to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. You cannot help others if you don’t take care of yourself.
Train your body to be a receptor of good food and healthy exercise. Love your body and it will love you. The time you spend on your health and fitness is an investment that will continue to pay off for years into your future.
Speak words of encouragement to yourself and to others. Your words have the power to heal a broken heart or to tear it apart. It is up to you how you choose to use them. When you say something to lift another’s spirit, those words and the emotion that surrounds them will lift your spirit as well. Share a kind word or a good deed today. Be healthy and happy, body, mind and soul.