Many of us are inspired by love. We go to work each day, prepare dinner for our families, run errands and act as a taxi, all for the sake of love. We are inspired to do the extra things we do because it will in some way benefit the ones we love. When you truly love someone, it’s easy to put their wants and needs before your own. When you are in love, being with your significant other is more important than anything else in the world.
Love for others is a wonderful thing, but we must love ourselves, too. Loving ourselves means doing everything we can to make ourselves healthy and whole. It means eating foods that nourish and satisfy our hunger. Loving yourself means staying active, keeping all your organs, especially your heart, working at top condition. It means seeing your doctor regularly and following his or her advice. Loving yourself means taking care of you.
There is nothing more inspiring than love. When you love another, you want to make them happy. When you are happy it is easy to make others happy. Dedicating time to yourself is one way to channel into your own happiness and contentment. Making your body as healthy as it can be is a real sign that a woman cares for and loves herself.
True beauty is inspired by love and what could be more beautiful than a woman who cares for herself as well as those around her? A woman, who nurtures her family, is loyal to her friends, reaches out to neighbors and devotes time to herself.
Set aside time each day just for your. Spend time reading, writing and listening to music that you enjoy. Allow yourself time for your thoughts and your affirmations. Make time for you everyday. You deserve as much of yourself as you give to others.
Be sure to get at least 3 hours of exercise each week. Whether you exercise alone, with your husband or your children, or with a friend, the time spent exercising should be in addition to the time you set aside for yourself. Finding all this time won’t be easy, but you are important and it is time you made some special time for you. You probably won’t find the time, so it is up to you to make the time. Remember, you are in control, so take charge now.
Inspired by love…for God, for yourself, for your husband, for your family and for your friends. A healthy, confident and positive you can inspire them all.