Aw, to sleep like a baby…peacefully, without any worries. Although, babies don’t always sleep restfully, one thing is for certain, they are not worried about what the next day brings. For many women, shutting off the to-do list is difficult and a worry-free night’s rest is exactly what they need to look and feel fabulous.
Beauty sleep is not just a coined phrase for night creams and sleep aids. Getting adequate sleep will make you look younger and more attractive. Sleep helps to relax your face as it does your entire body. On the opposite side, lack of sleep can make you feel on edge, anxious or tense. Sleep deprivation can mean unsightly bags and dark circles under your eyes and could cause fine lines and wrinkles to become more pronounced and noticeable.
But beauty aside, not getting enough sleep can be bad for your health.
If tomorrow’s worries are keeping you up at night, there may be a simple solution to help you manage those concerns. Try keeping a journal of all of your responsibilities. Many times we worry about the same things over and over. Writing all of your worries down on paper may help you to manage the amount of time you spend contemplating the results. Write it down, reflect on it and move on. Leave the worries for another day. Your health is more important.
I have said many times that time invested in your body is time well spent. You will never regret the time you spend on your body, whether that is time spent exercising, dieting, taking care of yourself or most importantly, sleeping.
A good night’s sleep can make you feel fabulous. There is nothing more refreshing to the body when it is in need, than sleep. So, if it’s so wonderful, why deprive yourself of this wonderful gift?
For many women it is a matter of time. Not enough time equates to not enough sleep. Women more than anyone else, will deprive themselves of sleep in order to complete all the tasks in their schedules. Ironically, women more so than men, compromise their health when they go without adequate sleep. Women need 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night, but getting that amount of rest can be a challenge.
Sleep therapists suggest making your bedroom a work-free zone, no televisions, computers or phones allowed–nothing to distract from sleep or intimacy. Lavender scents are another suggestion known to help you sleep. One thing they all agree on, no caffeine for 4 to 6 hours prior to bedtime. Just a little bit of caffeine can disrupt sleep.
Chamomile tea is a great substitution for caffeine-laden beverages and can actually help you fall asleep. You will rest well and in the morning awake feeling fabulous and looking absolutely beautiful!