Fitness4Her is all about women’s fitness for a healthy and happy you. Whether you want to gain weight or lose weight, we have a program that will help you reach your fitness goals. A complete diet and exercise program developed especially for women, Fitness4Her believes in the power of the fitness journal. That’s because it has been proven that those women who keep a journal of everything that they eat and drink and all of the activities that they do, have a much greater chance of success than those who simply diet and exercise without keeping a journal.
The first step in keeping a fitness journal is to understand your current eating and exercising patterns. You must know your starting point in order to recognize success. Journaling, or keeping a food and exercise log, is a great way to do it. By writing down everything you eat, you may discover that you consistently make the same poor food choices.
Chronicling what you eat and how you much fitness activity you do can be very enlightening. You might be surprised that you consume more food than you thought. Journaling helps to keep us accountable for what we are putting into our bodies. It also helps to challenge us to become more physically active.
Begin your journal today and keep it up for at least 90 days. That’s the key to a successful program, you’ve got to give it enough time to work and the rest will be easy. Fitness4Her offers an online journal just for you.
It’s also nice to have a journal that you can actually hold in your hands and there is something magical about the act of writing by hand. When you physically write your goals and daily activities by hand, you trigger a response mechanism in your brain. The effort involved in the act of writing helps to validate your desire for change.
There are many journals to choose from and they come in all sizes. You can select one small enough to fit in your purse or a larger one with full size sheets of paper to write on. It’s your journal so look for one that suits you best. To keep you excited about your journal, find one that is attractive and that allows enough entries for your day-to-day exercise and your short-term and long-term goals.
Remember, keeping a journal is fundamental to your success. Changing the way you eat and making a habit of exercising is not easy. The journal may be the easiest part of your whole program, a simple process that is also a critical component to your fitness plan.