Fitness4Her combines resistance training and cardio workouts for a total women’s fitness program that is designed to enhance the female figure. Resistance training will help your body to work for you instead of against you. Sometimes referred to as strength training, these exercises target individual muscle groups with specific exercises.
Resistance exercises can be done in a gym but they can just as easily be done in your own home. Always use a mat to give yourself some cushion from the floor or carpet. You must exercise at least 30 minutes every other day in order to see any results. Remember, in order to build and tone muscles to achieve muscular definition, you need to work your muscle to the point of muscle fatigue.
Many women fear resistance training especially with weights. They are afraid they will develop manly looking muscles. This is not true. The exercises that I will introduce to you are designed to accentuate your curves and tighten your core for the long lean look of a dancer’s body.
Fitness4Her’s 30 Minutes To A New You exercises are designed to build, strengthen and stretch your muscles through a series of repetitions (reps) over a specific number of times, called ‘sets’. The number of reps and sets you should do depends on how healthy your muscles are.
Weight lifting can help to achieve muscle definition quickly but you need to go slow, especially if you haven’t lifted weights in a while, or never done any weight lifting at all. After a faithful and dedicated program of resistance training, your muscles will become stronger and more flexible. Soon, you’ll begin to notice the beautiful curves created by your well-toned muscles!
Get this … building muscle has some hidden benefits. Each pound of muscle can burn 50 calories a day! The more muscular your body becomes the easier it is to burn calories. You’ll even burn calories when you sleep. It’s a proven fact that muscle burns fat even at rest.